So i left my dads house on february 11th at 1 PM to catch my 5 o'clock to LA. All went smoothly and I got there fine. I had a few hours, then boarded my plane to Sydney at 10:15PM LA time. We were supposed to take off at 10:30, but due to technical problems, sat on the runway until 2:15AM. we all hated life, however, we took off. about 4 hours in, the "check engine light" came on and we were told that we would be landing in honolulu, oahu and there for almost 24 hours before we continued to Sydney. At first, i was frustrated, but then i realized I was in Hawaii and could just sit on the beach and enjoy life. I will be posting all the pictures on facebook eventually, but since i had a little time to kill, i figured I would post a teaser picture now. so far everything has been AMAZINGLY fun (minus the plane troubles) and i will be in sydney soon.
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